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How To Prepare For A Job Interview: Part 2


As our How To Prepare For A Job Interview: Part 1 post detailed our best tips for virtual interviews, we wanted to be sure to share our best tips for preparing for in-person interviews as well. From our own experiences interviewing, and tips from our HR expert Erica, we have gathered all the information you need to de-stress and be fully prepared to ace any interview.

Know Your Stuff

Research, research and more research. The most important first step to nailing an interview is knowing the company you want to work for inside and out. This means knowing their core values, what kind of products or services they provide and knowing who the key people are in the company. Interviewers often test you by asking company specific questions, and knowing as much as you can in advance will help to prove your genuine interest in the position.

Arrive Ready

As Erica, our Human Resources Manager here at Faviana, mentioned, the interview starts as soon as you walk in the door. Walk in your best self! Arrive no more than 10 minutes early and never late, and make sure to greet the receptionist with a smile. If you are asked to wait, try to avoid being on your phone and take advantage of any company reading in the reading area.

Be Cool, Calm and Collected

Once seated for the interview, maintain a relaxed but professional posture. Try your best not to fidget or adjust your clothing. Note: make sure you are comfortable and confident in what you wear for and interview, this always makes it easier to focus! Ensure you have copies of your resume, portfolio and any other materials you need ready to go and are ready to discuss them confidently. When speaking be aware of the speed you are speaking, as we tend to rush when we are nervous, and your tone. If asked a question you do not know the answer two, give yourself a few moments to formulate a response, and be honest if you simply can’t answer. At the end of the interview if you are asked if you have any questions, make sure you have one or two! It is always best to have your questions set before the interview starts so you are ready.

Follow Up

When leaving the interview it is always best to thank whomever you spoke, and extend another handshake. Leave any materials they might need with the interviewer, and offer to send anything along any additional paperwork as soon as possible. It is always recommended that you send a thank you email or note (or both can’t hurt!) after an interview, even if it did not go well. Thank the interviewer for their time and reiterate your interest in the position, also end with the best way for them to contact you as well.

We all know that interviewing can be extremely stressful, but with a few deep breaths and careful actions to prepare, it can be much less so. Confidence is always key! Be yourself and rock that interview!



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